Monday, November 24, 2008

Baby Gookins' room! We can't wait!

Can she get any bigger! Jen at 34 weeks.

We're getting there!! November 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ready for siding!

Workin' on windows.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

We spent Saturday fixing ice damage on the dock. Note the awkwardly crooked pier.

Annie and Rubie hanging out on the dock at sunrise on Crane Lake.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I tried to put a crib together one night and would rather have spent the night in a Turkish prison. Not really, but I've heard the company is nice. So much for my sweet office and wireless printing capabilities. Now I'll have a wireless poop router instead.

Yes, that bump is a baby Gookins that has yet to enter the world. According to the professionals it will arrive in late December. Apparently I'm capable after all. Merry Christmas.
I completed my first century ride in late June with Ellie and Vos. This was just after riding for 6+ hours and finishing in Taylor's Falls. We finished the day with a "Border Burger" and camped at Interstate Park in WI. for the night.
When school ended for the year I went fishing in Canada for a week with some buddies. This is us cruising home (Jeff-left and Dean-right) on Cliff Lake after totally slaying the walleyes. Dave Hylla caught a huge Lake Trout here in mid-June.
Well, with tons of help from family and friends we put on a new roof and aluminum soffet and facia. We still have some windows to put in and siding to put on, but at least we are "water-tight".
Missy smacked a sweet 21" walleye. Too big for the slot, but she caught it on a fishing rod that she made. With her own hands. Guys, she is awesome. You probably don't deserve a girl like this, but you can apply.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Opener at Crane Lake

I caught this 27 inch, snaggle-tooth northern off the dock in 7 feet of water. I left a rod hanging off the boat with a jig and minnow and watched it from the cabin while wearing slippers and drinking coffee. A true sporting adventure.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Jenny and Annie

Hanging out with the best dog in the world.

Basement Work

After a long week of work during spring break some progress was made on the basement with tons of help from family and friends. Tonight we painted the ceiling and installed ceiling speakers. We ended the night with some foosball and rocked out.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Fishing Lake Ida

After a full day of fishing and drilling holes, Weston and Dan each caught a crappie at 10:38pm.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Scrap Camp '08 took place at our house. Jen's college roommates, Jules and Amy, came up for the weekend. Apparently it was successful because the house was a disaster when I got home.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Winter Camping

That my friends, is an igloo! And one heck of a tasty basecamp. We put in some long hours getting the igloo built up on day 1, and spent day 2 catching and eating lake trout.

Cozumel '08

We traveled to Cozumel with friends in Feb '08 for some sun, shopping, and cerveza.

New Frontier

This marks the inagural post for
Stay tuned for information, pictures, and useless
nuggets of knowledge about our earthly existence.