Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I tried to put a crib together one night and would rather have spent the night in a Turkish prison. Not really, but I've heard the company is nice. So much for my sweet office and wireless printing capabilities. Now I'll have a wireless poop router instead.

Yes, that bump is a baby Gookins that has yet to enter the world. According to the professionals it will arrive in late December. Apparently I'm capable after all. Merry Christmas.
I completed my first century ride in late June with Ellie and Vos. This was just after riding for 6+ hours and finishing in Taylor's Falls. We finished the day with a "Border Burger" and camped at Interstate Park in WI. for the night.
When school ended for the year I went fishing in Canada for a week with some buddies. This is us cruising home (Jeff-left and Dean-right) on Cliff Lake after totally slaying the walleyes. Dave Hylla caught a huge Lake Trout here in mid-June.
Well, with tons of help from family and friends we put on a new roof and aluminum soffet and facia. We still have some windows to put in and siding to put on, but at least we are "water-tight".
Missy smacked a sweet 21" walleye. Too big for the slot, but she caught it on a fishing rod that she made. With her own hands. Guys, she is awesome. You probably don't deserve a girl like this, but you can apply.