Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Leila's 9 Month Photos

Here's a sample of the great pictures Nicole Marie took of Leila.
If you need a photographer in the Duluth/Superior Area check out

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

We headed down to the rose gardens on Lake Superior and had a picnic lunch, smelled the gorgeous roses, and just enjoyed a nice relaxing Labor Day together. I love being spontaneous, so when Josh brought up this idea for a picnic, I was all about it! Leila sure seemed to have a good time to, so giggly and smiley...the little stinker got a hold of my sandwich...guess Cheerios just didn't cut it for her picnic lunch!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

These pictures were taken spontaneously a few weeks ago on a nice summer day. It turned otu so cute! Leila and Daddy picking flowers. Two of her favorite things!

Lizzy came over for a little play time...
the two go to daycare together and just love each other!

This was taken during Leila's 6 month photos.
I think she loves the camera a little too much.

Lil' Leila Bean showing off her fancy footwork.

We saw Leila's pediatrician just a few days before this and she said that Leila could have ice cream now...so we wasted no time! She seems to love ice cream just as much as her Mommy!!...and just as messy too!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

We can't believe it! Lil' Leila Bean is already 6 months old!!! She's eating solids...her favorites are sweet peas and sweet potatoes...loves her veggies more than fruits so far. She loves to be close to the action sitting in her big girl chair trying to feed herself and also watching mommy being busy in the kitchen.
She went to her great grandparents cabin for the second time and got to meet her huge extended family! Kind of overwhelming, but very very fun! She got to put her feet into the cold lake water for the first time...she didn't care too much for that...she much prefers the warm bath water! She's growing so fast!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

These are just some more recent pics of Leila. The top one she is playing in her walker that she loves to move around in, but only knows how to push herself backwards. The middle pic is of her and her Daddy talking with each other...too cute! And the last one is Mommy's attempt to take some professional-type pics. She's such a smiley, giggley little girl!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

We headed up to our cabin on Crane Lake for Fishing Opener and Mother's Day. The weather was more nice than past openers. Leila had a few firsts at the cabin. It was her first time there, she ate solid foods (peas) for the first time and she experienced fishing! What a great first Mother's Day!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Yee-haw!! Leila got this fun bouncy horsey from her Grandpa Gookins!!! She sure loves it. She is just starting to figure out how to actually bounce in it and she just giggles. Thanks, Grandpa!

Happy Easter! This was Leila's first Easter. She had her new Easter dress on from her Auntie Missy and her beautiful new quilt from Grandma Koshiol in the background. She was so excited during this picture. Kicking her legs and flailing her little arms. Such a happy little pumpkin!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Leila went for her first winter hike with Mom and Auntie Missy.

Leila was all smiles in her new "girly" skirt from Auntie Missy.

1 month old and 6 feet tall. This shoulder ride lasted about 3.2 seconds. Weeeeee!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Leila loves story time with mom.
"Enough with the War and Peace, I
want to see some pictures already."

"Shout Green, Shout White!"
Leila likes to cuddle in a Rails hoodie
from Mr. Johnson and the Athletic Dept.

"Here's the deal Mr. Rocky. We're gonna
hit the cookie jar. I'll get the ladder."

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Leila and Annie lounge after a hard day of eating and napping.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Leila Adeline

Leila is all smiles after car rides and clean shorts.