Monday, November 22, 2010

Sweet Lil' Bean Creations

I had a big burst of energy this evening to work on a number of my sewing and craft projects. Being a mommy has made life so fun, but also very busy. Scrapbooking, sewing, crafting, etc are some of my favorite things to do, besides being Leila's mommy, but finding the time to do them can be tricky. I've always had love for making handmade things as gifts for others. So after snuggling, reading book after book with Leila before her bedtime...I turned on some relaxing tunes, and pulled up a chair to my lonely sewing machine. I made 12 adorable burp rags and a colorful cloth bag to toss toys into. I so enjoy spending the quiet evening hours crafting. Here are just a few pics of what I worked on. I also learned a whole new addiction today from a good friend of mine..We be-jeweled some serving ware.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Why does vacation time have to go so fast? We found ourselves wishing for just one more day at the cabin today as we were closing it down. This was our first trip to Crane this summer! Usually we've gone at least twice by this time, but our summer has been so busy that this has been our first trip. It rained most of the day on Friday, but we still made it enjoyable. Leila and Mommy put on rain gear and headed outside for a little walk to explore. We headed to the Northeast Bay beach on Saturday. Leila loved being able to run up and down the beach, play in the sand and water, play with the leeches and lounge in the little floatie canoe with juice in hand. Ahhh the life! We can't get enough cabin time...wish summers weren't so short and fast!