Monday, July 11, 2011

Ahhh, summer is finally here! We've had the pool filled and ready for a swim every day for past few weeks. We live outside...we love being outdoors even on the scorching hot days. Leila and Daddy set up the water slide too...Leila couldn't get enough of it and begged Dad over and over again to go down it with her...he did...I think he liked it too! :) Yay for summer!!!

Crane Lake, June 2011

We headed to our cabin a few weeks ago for 5 days. We vowed to spend more time there this summer. Last summer we were only there once. It was the first time the three of us had been there alone and it was so great! Summer time goes way too fast! This was Leila's third summer...she loves the cabin...hiking at The Gorge, swimming, fishing, playing games, finger painting, helping Dad gather firewood, playing at the beach and at the playground, boating, playing in the cabin lofts...and on and on. We weren't sure how it would go being somewhere so remote and rustic for that many days...if she'd get bored or not. She wasn't bored at all...such a happy camper!